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The Gift of Disillusionment

The Gift of Disillusionment is an invitation for followers of Jesus to sustain hope in long-term service. It’s about moving past the false hope of idealism and the faint hope of disillusionment to discover true Christian hope. You will gain encouragement through the study in Jeremiah woven throughout, as Chris and Peter Greer explore how the Lord prophetically met and sustained Jeremiah during his lifetime of service in spite of literally nothing going as he hoped.

Rooting for Rivals reveals how leaders, charities, and churches can multiply their impact by cooperating rather than competing with others. Chris and Peter Greer explore case studies that illustrate the power of collaboration as they share how to lead and serve from an attitude of abundance.
Mission Drift provides the tools leaders need to keep their organizations “mission true” or get back on track. Supported by research and filled with compelling anecdotes, Mission Drift identifies organizations that exhibit intentional, long-term commitment to Christ in contrast to those that have wandered away from their core beliefs.
In Entrepreneurship for Human Flourishing, Chris and Peter Greer argue that this commonly held view overlooks the real engine of true human flourishing: entrepreneurial businesses, which sustain productive development long after charitable giving dries up. Whatever their size or form, businesses play a central role in the fight against poverty.